Marks the birthday of a female civil rights leader
Read MoreThere is a Day for That! provides you with a list of observances and national days related to People.
Marks the birthday of Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouts movement.
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of National Winston Churchill Day
Read MoreThomas Jefferson, the third president of the USA was born on April 13th 1743.
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of Birthday of Queen Margrethe II
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of National Paul Revere Day
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of National Babe Ruth Day
Read MoreMalala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate.
Read MoreSince 2009, Nelson Mandela's birthday has been celebrated as a chance to honor his life and inspire others to take action to change the world for the better.
Read MoreLeif Eriksson was the first known European to have set foot on continental North America, 500 years before Christopher Columbus.
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of General Pulaski Memorial Day
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of Christopher Columbus Day in Italy.
Read MoreJuliette Gordon Low, the founder of the Girl Scouts was born on this day in 1860.
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of National Chicken Lady Day
Read MoreThe brave King Edmund was killed by Danish invaders on November 20th 869 after refusing to denounce his Christianity.
Read MoreThis day remembers an important Slovenian general on the day of one his most notable achievements.
Read MoreRosa Parks day is observed to honor the civil rights in the USA and to pay a tribute to the activist Rosa.
Read MoreThis national day celebrates the life of George Washington carver, a great African American scientist.
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of Stephen Foster Memorial Day
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of International Mentoring Day.
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of James Leonard Tagle Gordon Day
Read MoreThe day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, an importnat figure in India's independence movement..
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of National Ellen Degeneres Day
Read MoreFreethinkers Day (Thomas Paine Day), celebrates the life of the influential American writer and philosopher.
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of National Curmudgeons Day.
Read MoreMarks the birthday of Fred Korematsu, a leading civil rights activist for Asian Americans
Read MoreRosa Parks day is observed to honor the civil rights in the USA and to pay a tribute to the activist Rosa.
Read MoreFind out the dates, history and traditions of International Darwin Day
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