Harriet Tubman Day

Category: People
Harriet Tubman Day in USA in 2025
Image: Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center near Church Creek in Dorchester County, Maryland. by Bohemian Baltimore CC BY-SA 4.0

About Harriet Tubman Day

How long until Harriet Tubman Day?
Harriet Tubman Day .
Dates of Harriet Tubman Day
2025 USA Monday, March 10thHarriet Tubman Day
2024 USA Sunday, March 10thHarriet Tubman Day
2023 USA Friday, March 10thHarriet Tubman Day
2022 USA Thursday, March 10thHarriet Tubman Day
2021 USA Wednesday, March 10thHarriet Tubman Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of Harriet Tubman Day.

About Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was an American abolitionist and political activist. Born into slavery, Tubman escaped and subsequently made some 13 missions to rescue approximately 70 enslaved people, including family and friends, using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad.

Did you Know?

Tubman was the first woman to lead an armed expedition during the Civil War. She guided the Combahee River Raid, which liberated more than 700 slaves in South Carolina.

After the Civil War ended, Tubman dedicated her life to helping impoverished former slaves and the elderly. Tubman died on March 10th 1913.

In honor of her life and by popular demand, in 2016, the U.S. Treasury Department announced that Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on the center of a new $20 bill.

History of Harriet Tubman Day

Harriet Tubman Day was first organized in the 1960s and celebrated during the month of June (Father's Day) by the late Addie Clash Travers, Cambridge, Maryland.

The day included a  commemorative program at the historical Bazel Methodist Episcopal Church, Bucktown, Maryland. Vivian Abdur-Rahim met Aunt Addie during several visits to Dorchester County (1979- 84), following telephone calls with Gloria Henry, Dorchester County Public Library in Cambridge. She later shared her idea with Mrs. Travers about Harriet Tubman Day..

Aunt Addie agreed and the Harriet Tubman Historical Society & The Harriet Tubman Association, Dorchester County, Maryland joined together and celebrated the first national Harriet Tubman Day including the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Freedom tour; the spiritual pilgrimage from Delaware to Dorchester County, and Banquet in Cambridge, Maryland.

March 10, 1989, The Harriet Tubman Historical Society contacted WILM to share the idea for the first national Harriet Tubman Day, and worked night and day making telephone calls, mailing 5,000 letters, throughout the country to elected officials, national organizations, schools, media, and the general public. Widespread support was received and on March 10th 1990 the President of the United States and Congress declared this day Harriet Tubman Day.

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