National French Toast Day

Category: Food
National French Toast Day in USA in 2024
Image by lyulka.86 , from Deposit Photos. Royalty Free

About National French Toast Day

How long until National French Toast Day?
National French Toast Day .
Dates of National French Toast Day
2025 USA Friday, November 28thNational French Toast Day
2024 USA Thursday, November 28thNational French Toast Day
2023 USA Tuesday, November 28thNational French Toast Day
2022 USA Monday, November 28thNational French Toast Day
2021 USA Sunday, November 28thNational French Toast Day
When drinking today raise your glass and say here's to bread, flour, egg, sugar and vanilla - it's a French Toast!

With the first recipes dating back to Roman times, French toast is soft bread, soaked in beaten egg and fried in lots of butter. It can be savoury, served with beans, bacon or eggs, or sweet, topped with maple syrup, whipped cream or berries.

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