Emergency Services Day

Emergency Services Day in United Kingdom in 2024
Image by John Cameron , from Unsplash. CC0

About Emergency Services Day

How long until Emergency Services Day?
Emergency Services Day .
Dates of Emergency Services Day
2025 United Kingdom Tuesday, September 9thEmergency Services Day
2024 United Kingdom Monday, September 9thEmergency Services Day
2023 United Kingdom Saturday, September 9thEmergency Services Day
2022 United Kingdom Friday, September 9thEmergency Services Day
2021 United Kingdom Thursday, September 9thEmergency Services Day
Emergency Services Day (999 Day) is a Government backed national day across the UK which takes place on 9th September each year.

Emergency Services Day begins at 9am on 9th September (9th hour of the 9th day of the 9th month) with two minutes’ silence to remember the more than 7,500 members of the emergency services who have been killed as a result of their duties.

Emergency Services Day:

  • Promotes our 999 heroes who serve / have served.
  • Promotes career and volunteer opportunities across the emergency services.
  • Promotes using the emergency services responsibly.
  • Educates the public on essential life-saving skills.
  • Promotes emergency services charities and the work they do.
  • Promotes campaigns being run by frontline emergency services.
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