Lovers' Day

Category: Folk
Lovers' Day in Brazil in 2025
Image from Pixabay. CC0

About Lovers' Day

How long until Lovers' Day?
Lovers' Day .
Dates of Lovers' Day
2025 Brazil Thursday, June 12thLovers' Day
2024 Brazil Wednesday, June 12thLovers' Day
2023 Brazil Monday, June 12thLovers' Day
2022 Brazil Sunday, June 12thLovers' Day
2021 Brazil Saturday, June 12thLovers' Day
❤️ This Brazilian equivalent of Valentine's Day comes from Portugal and is linked to Saint Anthony.
Local name
Dia dos Namorados

Lovers' Day (Dia dos Namorados) is celebrated on June 12th in Brazil, due to the date's proximity to Saint Anthony's Day on June 13th.

The date is celebrated in the same way as Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th in many other parts of the world, with gifts, romantic activities, decorations and festivities.

Saint Anthony of Pauda (August 15th 1195 – June 13th 1231) was a Portuguese Catholic priest and Franciscan friar who became a saint in 1232 and made a Doctor of the Church in 1946.

During his lifetime, Anthony was known for his skills at reconciling couples. This has led to him being known as a marriage saint. A custom on St. Anthony's Eve (June 12th) is for young people to write letters asking Antonio for help in finding a partner.

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