National Splurge Day

Category: Finance
National Splurge Day in USA in 2025

About National Splurge Day

How long until National Splurge Day?
National Splurge Day .
Dates of National Splurge Day
2025 USA Wednesday, June 18thNational Splurge Day
2024 USA Tuesday, June 18thNational Splurge Day
2023 USA Sunday, June 18thNational Splurge Day
2022 USA Saturday, June 18thNational Splurge Day
2021 USA Friday, June 18thNational Splurge Day
Go on, treat yourself today - you deserve it!

According to, to "splurge" is to "indulge oneself in some luxury of pleasure."

The holiday was started by Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith in 1994 when she decided she was fed up with traditional holidays. However Koopersnith's intention was that it wasn't about frivolous spending for the sake of it, but to treat yourself to something using the money you had saved or earned in the two months since doing your tax return.

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