National Insurance Awareness Day

Category: Finance
National Insurance Awareness Day in USA in 2025
Image from Pixabay. CC0

About National Insurance Awareness Day

How long until National Insurance Awareness Day?
National Insurance Awareness Day .
Dates of National Insurance Awareness Day
2025 USA Saturday, June 28thNational Insurance Awareness Day
2024 USA Friday, June 28thNational Insurance Awareness Day
2023 USA Wednesday, June 28thNational Insurance Awareness Day
2022 USA Tuesday, June 28thNational Insurance Awareness Day
2021 USA Monday, June 28thNational Insurance Awareness Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Insurance Awareness Day

Although the origin of this holiday is unknown, it is observed annually on June 28th to serve as a reminder to small business owners to review their insurance policies and make sure they have the coverage they need.

July 1st is historically a day when a lot of insurance policies are renewed, so the date of June 28th is handily placed as a timely reminder of the importance of good insurance.

Insurance is one of those essentials that many people begrudge arranging but are incredibly grateful for when they need it. That is essentially why it exists. Not to cause you a headache, but to relieve one in the future. It is constantly behind the scenes, supporting businesses, picking up pieces and offering escape routes.

Insurance is the oil that helps the wheels of industry turn smoothly. Without it, businesses couldn't take risks, invest and grow.

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