International Haiku Poetry Day

Category: Arts
International Haiku Poetry Day in USA in 2025

About International Haiku Poetry Day

How long until International Haiku Poetry Day?
International Haiku Poetry Day .
Dates of International Haiku Poetry Day
2025 USA Thursday, April 17thInternational Haiku Poetry Day
2024 USA Wednesday, April 17thInternational Haiku Poetry Day
2023 USA Monday, April 17thInternational Haiku Poetry Day
2022 USA Sunday, April 17thInternational Haiku Poetry Day
2021 USA Saturday, April 17thInternational Haiku Poetry Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of International Haiku Poetry Day.

A Japanese verse form most often composed, in English versions, of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables.

 A celebration of the genre of haiku, whose origins date back a millennium in Japan, and which is now written in more than 50 countries and cultures around the world.

This day is observed in the heart of National Poetry Month (United States), under the auspices of The Haiku Foundation.

In addition to various public events, readings, exhibitions and competitions around the world, the foundation hosts on this day the HaikuLife Haiku Film Festival and the Earthrise Rolling Haiku Collaboration.

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