National Backward Day

Category: Action
National Backward Day in USA in 2025
Image by Andrew Martin , from Pixabay. CC0

About National Backward Day

How long until National Backward Day?
National Backward Day .
Dates of National Backward Day
2025 USA Friday, January 31stNational Backward Day
2024 USA Wednesday, January 31stNational Backward Day
2023 USA Tuesday, January 31stNational Backward Day
2022 USA Monday, January 31stNational Backward Day
2021 USA Sunday, January 31stNational Backward Day
Celebrating National Backwards Day is all about embracing creativity and reversing the ordinary.

As we reach the end of the first month in the year, it's time to go forward into February and stop looking backwards to the previous year. 

This is a simple, fun day. Do something backwards, such as wearing clothes the wrong way round and see how it long it takes someone to notice, before wishing them "day backwards happy!

It’s a fun-filled and playful day to let your imagination run wild, creativity flow and just embrace fun and the unexpected.

People of all ages on this day are invited to break free from the norm and routine, do things with a unique twist.

George Constanza of Seinfeld famously wore his jacket inside out on Backwards Day and started his day job in the evening.

It’s all about having fun and thinking outside the box.

Origins of National Backwards Day

The origin of National Backwards Day is attributed to two American women, Sarah Nicole Miller and Megan Emily Scott, who came up with the idea back in 1961.

The story goes they were on a farm milking cows when the idea to do things in reverse came to them. They then came up with the rules and created it initially on January 29th, and then changed it to January 31st.

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