National Talk Like Shakespeare Day

Category: Action
National Talk Like Shakespeare Day in USA in 2025

About National Talk Like Shakespeare Day

How long until National Talk Like Shakespeare Day?
National Talk Like Shakespeare Day .
Dates of National Talk Like Shakespeare Day
2025 USA Wednesday, April 23rdNational Talk Like Shakespeare Day
2024 USA Tuesday, April 23rdNational Talk Like Shakespeare Day
2023 USA Sunday, April 23rdNational Talk Like Shakespeare Day
2022 USA Saturday, April 23rdNational Talk Like Shakespeare Day
2021 USA Friday, April 23rdNational Talk Like Shakespeare Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Talk Like Shakespeare Day

This day celebrates the birthday of the celebrated literary genius William Shakespeare. He was born on April 23rd 1564. He also famously died on his birthday in 1616.  In his honor, this holiday was made to have a bit of fun with the language he employed in his plays and poetry. 

To mark the day, try to slip thee, thou, and ye into your conversations. Bonus points if you can sprinkle some key words like “forsooth,” “prithee,” and “doth” into your chats. If you aren't in a good mood, lob in some of Shakespeare's insults like “canker blossom” or “lily-livered.” 

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