National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

Category: Business
National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day in USA in 2025
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About National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

How long until National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day?
National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day .
Dates of National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
2025 USA Saturday, March 29thNational Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
2024 USA Friday, March 29thNational Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
2023 USA Wednesday, March 29thNational Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
2022 USA Tuesday, March 29thNational Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
2021 USA Monday, March 29thNational Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
Mom-and-pop shops are usually family owned and controlled. With limited capital investment, they handle small business volumes and run with minimal numbers of employees.

March 29th is National Mom and Pop Owners Day. This national holiday celebrates small business owners. These individuals spend countless hours nurturing and growing their young enterprises.

The workload demands, and lack of a hired staff, often translates into long and late hours, and many missed family and personal events. But, all in all, they love what they do. After all, they are their own boss. 

The American economy relies on mom and pop businesses. They create economic growth and provide almost 70% of all new jobs in the country.

That's why it is important to acknowledge the more than 27 million small businesses by celebrating National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day!

The holiday was established by Rick and Margie Segel in honor of their parents and the successful hat shop they opened in 1939 and grew into a 10,000 square foot, $2 million dollar clothing shop. 

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