National Hazelnut Cake Day

Category: Food
National Hazelnut Cake Day in USA in 2025
Image from Pixabay. CC0

About National Hazelnut Cake Day

How long until National Hazelnut Cake Day?
National Hazelnut Cake Day .
Dates of National Hazelnut Cake Day
2025 USA Sunday, June 1stNational Hazelnut Cake Day
2024 USA Saturday, June 1stNational Hazelnut Cake Day
2023 USA Thursday, June 1stNational Hazelnut Cake Day
2022 USA Wednesday, June 1stNational Hazelnut Cake Day
2021 USA Tuesday, June 1stNational Hazelnut Cake Day
Hazelnuts have been foraged by humans for millennia, but it's only recently we had the foresight to make them into yummy cakes - way to go, evolution!

The hazel was once regarded as a magical tree and a hazel rod was seen as protection against evil spirits. In parts of England nuts were carried as charms. A forked hazel branch is still regarded as the best choice for water divining. In Irish mythology the Salmon of Knowledge received all its understanding from eating nine hazelnuts that had fallen from an overhanging tree. When a young servant boy tasted the salmon while it was cooking he was imbued with wisdom and as a consequence became the legendary warrior and leader Phil McCool.

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