National Compliment Day

Category: Action
National Compliment Day in USA in 2025
Image by Daniel Reche , from Pixabay. CC0

About National Compliment Day

How long until National Compliment Day?
National Compliment Day .
Dates of National Compliment Day
2025 USA Friday, January 24thNational Compliment Day
2024 USA Wednesday, January 24thNational Compliment Day
2023 USA Tuesday, January 24thNational Compliment Day
2022 USA Monday, January 24thNational Compliment Day
2021 USA Sunday, January 24thNational Compliment Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Compliment Day

Today try to compliment at least five people. Not only are compliments appreciated by the receiver, but they also lift the spirit of the giver.

Compliments provide a quick and easy way to connect positively with those you come in contact with. Giving compliments forges bonds, dispels loneliness and just plain feels good.

This holiday was originated by Debby Hoffman and Kathy Chamberlin.

A serotonin boost is a tried-and-true way to put someone in a good mood and wear a contagious smile all day long. And, you definitely don’t need anything fancy or a chocolate bar to make someone feel great because you can do this by stringing a few positive words together that highlight traits, abilities, achievements, emotional capacity, and everything else in between. It’s that simple and easy. Plus, the more kind words you say to others, the better it makes you feel. So why not spread positivity and happiness one compliment at a time? Here are some compliments you can pay your friends and colleagues today.

  • You have the best laugh.
  • Your way with words always puts a smile on my face.
  • I appreciate you.
  • I always feel safe when talking to you.
  • I admire how you unapologetically stay true to yourself.
  • Your esprit brings joy out of everyone.
  • I appreciate you taking the time to listen.
  • Your confidence is inspiring.
  • I love being with you.
  • Thanks for cheering me up.
  • You are so brave for always trying and never giving up.
  • I enjoy talking and spending time with you.
  • I appreciate your patience listening to me.
  • Thank you for sharing this with me; I appreciate it.
  • I am so proud of you!
  • I admire your courage and strength.
  • You help me be the best version of myself.
  • There’s ordinary, and then there’s you.
  • Thank you for being you.
  • You are something special.
  • You have a good head on your shoulders.
  • It’s a very admirable trait that your heart is always full of love.
  • Thank you for always checking up on me.
  • You always know how to make me feel better, thank you.
  • You have the best and most creative ideas.
  • Your outlook on life is inspiring.
  • You just light up the room like nobody else.
  • Thank you for making my day.
  • You radiate positivity and everyone around you can feel it.
  • I admire your confidence and enthusiasm.
  • I am happy to call you my friend.
  • I admire your patience and understanding.
  • Thank you for making me feel supported, heard, and appreciated.
  • You’re a great person to be around.
  • I am grateful for all the things you have taught me.
  • Thanks for always being there.

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