National Cinnamon Roll Day

Category: Food
National Cinnamon Roll Day in USA in 2025
Image by Monika , from Pixabay. CC0

About National Cinnamon Roll Day

How long until National Cinnamon Roll Day?
National Cinnamon Roll Day .
Dates of National Cinnamon Roll Day
2025 USA Thursday, April 10thNational Cinnamon Roll Day
2024 USA Wednesday, April 10thNational Cinnamon Roll Day
2023 USA Monday, April 10thNational Cinnamon Roll Day
2022 USA Sunday, April 10thNational Cinnamon Roll Day
2021 USA Saturday, April 10thNational Cinnamon Roll Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Cinnamon Roll Day

The origin of cinnamon rolls is not clear and there are various claims about their invention. Some sources suggest that cinnamon rolls were first made by the Vikings, while others believe that they were first made in medieval Sweden.

Despite the Nordic origin, we do know that cinnamon comes from the Indian subcontinent.

Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the inner bark of various species of cinnamon trees. The two main types of cinnamon are Ceylon cinnamon (also known as "true cinnamon") and Cassia cinnamon (also known as "Chinese cinnamon"). Ceylon cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka and southern India, while Cassia cinnamon is native to southern China and Southeast Asia. Today, cinnamon is produced and traded globally and is used in a wide range of cuisines and food products.

Regardless of their origin, cinnamon rolls have been enjoyed for centuries and are a popular treat around the world.

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