National Cheer Up The Lonely Day

Category: Action
National Cheer Up The Lonely Day in USA in 2025
Image by Denise Johnson , from Unsplash. CC0

About National Cheer Up The Lonely Day

How long until National Cheer Up The Lonely Day?
National Cheer Up The Lonely Day .
Dates of National Cheer Up The Lonely Day
2025 USA Friday, July 11thNational Cheer Up The Lonely Day
2024 USA Thursday, July 11thNational Cheer Up The Lonely Day
2023 USA Tuesday, July 11thNational Cheer Up The Lonely Day
2022 USA Monday, July 11thNational Cheer Up The Lonely Day
2021 USA Sunday, July 11thNational Cheer Up The Lonely Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Cheer Up The Lonely Day

This is one holiday that is easy to celebrate. Cheer Up the Lonely Day was established to spread awareness about the damaging effects of loneliness and asks for people to give some of their time to bring happiness and cheer into the lives of those who may be lonely.

Unfortunately, whether it is being alone or feeling alone; loneliness is an inevitable part of life. For some people, it can be temporary, and for others it may be a daily struggle; affecting all ages, and people from all walks of life. If you know someone who is lonely or going through a difficult time, this was created as a day to reach out to them and try to cheer them up. Your small act of kindness can make a big difference to them.

According to L.J. Pesek, Cheer Up the Lonely Day was created by her father, Francis Pesek from Detroit, Michigan. She said her father "was a quiet, kind, wonderful man who had a heart of gold. He got the idea as a way of promoting kindness toward others who were lonely or forgotten as shut-ins or in nursing homes with no relatives or friends to look in on them." Francis Pesek chose this July 11th, because it was his own birthday.

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