National Beverage Day

Category: Food
National Beverage Day in USA in 2025
Image from Pixabay. CC0

About National Beverage Day

How long until National Beverage Day?
National Beverage Day .
Dates of National Beverage Day
2025 USA Tuesday, May 6thNational Beverage Day
2024 USA Monday, May 6thNational Beverage Day
2023 USA Saturday, May 6thNational Beverage Day
2022 USA Friday, May 6thNational Beverage Day
2021 USA Thursday, May 6thNational Beverage Day
This is one national day we can all drink to!

May 6th is National Beverage Day. It is a day to sit back, relax and enjoy your favorite beverage. And with such a wide range of drinks available, from hot to cold, to alcoholic, you'll be sure to find one that suits your taste.

And we have been indulging our love for beverages for many years, The word itself is Middle English, dating back to the 13th century and comes from the French beivre ('to drink').

A beverage is defined as any potable liquid, especially one other than water, such as tea, coffee, beer, or milk.

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