Universal Childrens Day

Universal Childrens Day in United Nations in 2024
Image by Kiran Hania , from Pixabay. CC0

About Universal Childrens Day

How long until Universal Childrens Day?
Universal Childrens Day .
Dates of Universal Childrens Day
2025 United Nations Thursday, November 20thUniversal Childrens Day
2024 United Nations Wednesday, November 20thUniversal Childrens Day
2023 United Nations Monday, November 20thUniversal Childrens Day
2022 United Nations Sunday, November 20thUniversal Childrens Day
2021 United Nations Saturday, November 20thUniversal Childrens Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of Universal Childrens Day
Universal Childrens Day in other countries
Universal Childrens Day internationally

From UNICEF (originally the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, now the United Nations Children's Fund): “World Children’s Day is UNICEF’s annual day of action for children, by children, marking the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children’s rights are human rights. But in too many places today, children’s rights are under attack.”

United Nations Universal Children’s Day was established in 1954 and is celebrated on November 20th each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improve children's welfare.

The theme of International children's day is, 'Investing in our future means investing in our children'.

The blue color is the symbol for children's rights on Children's Day.

November 20th was chosen as it is the date in 1959 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It is also the date in 1989 when the UN General assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

"Around the world, children are showing us their strength and leadership advocating for a more sustainable world for all. Let’s build on advances and re-commit to putting children first. For every child, every right."

UN Secretary-General António Guterres
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