International Day of Human Space Flight  🚀

Category: Science
International Day of Human Space Flight   in United Nations in 2025

About International Day of Human Space Flight 

How long until International Day of Human Space Flight  ?
International Day of Human Space Flight  .
Dates of International Day of Human Space Flight 
2025 United Nations Saturday, April 12thInternational Day of Human Space Flight 
2024 United Nations Friday, April 12thInternational Day of Human Space Flight 
2023 United Nations Wednesday, April 12thInternational Day of Human Space Flight 
2022 United Nations Tuesday, April 12thInternational Day of Human Space Flight 
2021 United Nations Monday, April 12thInternational Day of Human Space Flight 
On April 12th 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth, opening a new chapter of human endeavour in outer space.

In 2011, the General Assembly of the UN, declared April 12th as the International Day of Human Space Flight “to celebrate each year at the international level the beginning of the space era for mankind, reaffirming the important contribution of space science and technology in achieving sustainable development goals and increasing the well-being of States and peoples, as well as ensuring the realization of their aspiration to maintain outer space for peaceful purposes.”

The date was chosen as it was on April 12th 1961 that the Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gargarin became the first person in space.

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