National Big Wind Day

Category: Nature
National Big Wind Day in USA in 2025
Image by William DeHoogh , from Unsplash. CC0

About National Big Wind Day

How long until National Big Wind Day?
National Big Wind Day .
Dates of National Big Wind Day
2025 USA Saturday, April 12thNational Big Wind Day
2024 USA Friday, April 12thNational Big Wind Day
2023 USA Wednesday, April 12thNational Big Wind Day
2022 USA Tuesday, April 12thNational Big Wind Day
2021 USA Monday, April 12thNational Big Wind Day
National Big Wind Day marks the recording of the highest natural wind gust measured on the Earth’s surface on this day in 1934.

In the United States, April 12th, National Big Wind Day, commemorates the recording of the highest natural wind gust measured on the Earth’s surface. On April 12th 1934, the Mount Washington Observatory recorded winds at 231 miles per hour.

To put that in perspective, that’s stronger than Category 5 hurricane wind gusts! Wind gusts in a category 5 hurricane can reach up to 157 miles per hour which is close to the speed of a high-speed train.

Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288 feet and is the most prominent mountain east of the Mississippi River. 

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