Category: Family
Father's Day around the world in 2024

About Father's Day

How long until Father's Day?
Father's Day .
Dates of Father's Day
2025 Various Jun 19, Aug 8
ChinaThu, Jun 19Observances Holiday
TaiwanFri, Aug 8Observances Holiday
2024 Various Jun 19, Aug 8
ChinaWed, Jun 19Observances Holiday
TaiwanThu, Aug 8Observances Holiday
2023 Various Jun 19, Aug 8
ChinaMon, Jun 19Observances Holiday
TaiwanTue, Aug 8Observances Holiday
2022 Various Jun 19, Aug 8
ChinaSun, Jun 19Observances Holiday
TaiwanMon, Aug 8Observances Holiday
2021 Various Jun 20, Aug 8
ChinaSun, Jun 20Observances Holiday
TaiwanSun, Aug 8Observances Holiday
The traditional date for Father's Day in China was on a date that sounds like 'daddy'.
Where is Father's Day observed in 2024?
ChinaJun 19
TaiwanAug 8

In Taiwan, Father's Day is celebrated on 8 August as the Chinese for eight is 'ba', while a colloquial word for father is 'ba-ba' - so the eighth day of the eighth month sounds similar to 'daddy'. This was also the date for Father's day in China, but the date was moved to the third Sunday in June.

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