Day of Valdemar and Reunion day

Category: Patriotic
Day of Valdemar and Reunion day in Denmark in 2025

About Day of Valdemar and Reunion day

How long until Day of Valdemar and Reunion day?
Day of Valdemar and Reunion day .
Dates of Day of Valdemar and Reunion day
2025 Denmark Sunday, June 15thDay of Valdemar and Reunion day
2024 Denmark Saturday, June 15thDay of Valdemar and Reunion day
2023 Denmark Thursday, June 15thDay of Valdemar and Reunion day
2022 Denmark Wednesday, June 15thDay of Valdemar and Reunion day
2021 Denmark Tuesday, June 15thDay of Valdemar and Reunion day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of Day of Valdemar and Reunion day

Celebration of Valdemar II of Denmarks victory in a battle in Estonia in 1219, at which Denmarks national flag Dannebrog fell from the skies. It is also the date on which Danes celebrate that Sønderjylland in 1920 was reunited with the rest of Denmark after a referendum, thus held in high regard in that part of the country.

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