World Contact Day🛸

Category: General
World Contact Day around the world in 2025
Image by Pexels , from Pixabay. CC0

About World Contact Day

How long until World Contact Day?
World Contact Day .
Dates of World Contact Day
2025 InternationalMar 15
International Sat, Mar 15Observances Holiday
2024 InternationalMar 15
International Fri, Mar 15Observances Holiday
2023 InternationalMar 15
International Wed, Mar 15Observances Holiday
2022 InternationalMar 15
International Tue, Mar 15Observances Holiday
2021 InternationalMar 15
International Mon, Mar 15Observances Holiday
Close Encounters of the Third Month.

The purpose of the holiday is to jointly establish peaceful contact with extraterrestrial beings.

World Contact Day was first declared in March 1953 by an organization called the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB), as a day on which all IFSB members would attempt to send a telepathic message into space.

The message of the 1953 celebration is referenced in the song "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft", created in 1976 by Klaatu and later covered by The Carpenters.

Humans have been making efforts to contact extraterrestrial life for many years. This field of study is called SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and involves various scientific methods to detect signals or signs of intelligent life beyond Earth.

The most famous of these efforts is the radio telescope program SETI@home, which was launched in 1999 and invited the public to contribute to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence by analyzing radio telescope data from their home computers.

Other notable efforts include the NASA Kepler mission, which searched for exoplanets that could potentially support life, and the Breakthrough Listen project, which is a 10-year initiative that aims to search for intelligent life beyond Earth using advanced technology.

While we have not yet detected any clear signs of extraterrestrial life, the search continues as scientists and researchers believe that the discovery of intelligent life beyond Earth would be one of the most significant discoveries in human history.

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