National Golf Lover’s Day

Category: Sports
National Golf Lover’s Day in USA in 2024
Image by Marco Verch , from Flickr.

About National Golf Lover’s Day

How long until National Golf Lover’s Day?
National Golf Lover’s Day .
Dates of National Golf Lover’s Day
2025 USA Saturday, October 4thNational Golf Lover’s Day
2024 USA Friday, October 4thNational Golf Lover’s Day
2023 USA Wednesday, October 4thNational Golf Lover’s Day
2022 USA Tuesday, October 4thNational Golf Lover’s Day
2021 USA Monday, October 4thNational Golf Lover’s Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Golf Lover’s Day

National Golf Day, an October 4th, is a major charitable event, sponsored annually since 1952 by the PGA.

On National Golf Day, all of the over 4,300 professional members of the PGA are encouraged to play golf with contributors. The entry fees of contributors go towards a wide range of charitable causes.

Each year, a top-ranked golfer is made chairman of this event. This is a truly admirable and worthy event. Many golf courses hold their own events, with the proceeds going to charities.

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