National Dolphin Day🐬

Category: Animals
National Dolphin Day in USA in 2025
Image by Talia Cohen , from Unsplash. CC0

About National Dolphin Day

How long until National Dolphin Day?
National Dolphin Day .
Dates of National Dolphin Day
2025 USA Monday, April 14thNational Dolphin Day
2024 USA Sunday, April 14thNational Dolphin Day
2023 USA Friday, April 14thNational Dolphin Day
2022 USA Thursday, April 14thNational Dolphin Day
2021 USA Wednesday, April 14thNational Dolphin Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Dolphin Day

National Dolphin Day is devoted to understanding dolphins.

Dolphins are a species of cetacean mammal that is related to both whales and porpoises. They can range from 4 feet to 30 feet in size and are found worldwide.

Dolphins have acute eyesight both in and out of the water and also blessed with acute hearing and sense of touch. They are capable of hearing frequencies ten times or more than that of an adult. They can also make a broad range of sounds using nothing but their nasal air sacs.

  • Did you know? The Amazon River is home to four species of river dolphin that are found nowhere else on Earth.
  • Did you know? Bottlenose dolphins swallow a fish head first so the fish's spines don't catch in their throat.
  • Did you know? Bottlenose dolphins sleep with one half of their brain at a time, and keep one eye open. It's believed they do this to keep an eye out for their group - to make sure they stick together - and to look out for predators like sharks.

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