National Catch and Release Day

Category: Nature
National Catch and Release Day in USA in 2025

About National Catch and Release Day

How long until National Catch and Release Day?
National Catch and Release Day .
Dates of National Catch and Release Day
2025 USA Saturday, April 12thNational Catch and Release Day
2024 USA Saturday, April 13thNational Catch and Release Day
2023 USA Saturday, April 8thNational Catch and Release Day
2022 USA Saturday, April 9thNational Catch and Release Day
2021 USA Saturday, April 10thNational Catch and Release Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Catch and Release Day.

A day of no judgments for every angler—regardless of his or her fishing habits. Also, a day to promote and celebrate the practice of catch and release fishing.

Takes place annually on the second Saturday in April.

Catch and Release fishing is the practice within recreational fishing communities intended as a technique of fisheries conservation. Upon being caught, fish are unhooked and returned to the water. Often, a fast measurement, photograph,  and weighing of the fish is performed before the fish is released, unharmed. Using barbless hooks, it is often possible to release the fish without removing it from the water.

Celebrate National Catch and Release Day by practising catch and release methods. Share your photos and videos of fish being released to be caught again someday by using the hashtag “#nationalcatchandreleaseday” on social media.

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