International Shareware Day

Category: Culture
International Shareware Day in USA in 2024
Image by XPS , from Unsplash. CC0

About International Shareware Day

How long until International Shareware Day?
International Shareware Day .
Dates of International Shareware Day
2025 USA Saturday, December 13thInternational Shareware Day
2024 USA Saturday, December 14thInternational Shareware Day
2023 USA Saturday, December 9thInternational Shareware Day
2022 USA Saturday, December 10thInternational Shareware Day
2021 USA Saturday, December 11thInternational Shareware Day
Find out the dates, history and traditions of International Shareware Day

#SharewareDay was started to remind users of freeware and shareware programs of the value they have gained by using these free programs and potentially inspire them to share the love and show their appreciation to the programmers and developers that made it possible.

The first piece of software called ‘freeware’ was PC-Talk, a telecommunications programme created by Andrew Fleugelman in 1982, while the term ‘shareware’ was first used with the programme PC-Write (a word processing tool), released by Bob Wallace in early 1983. 

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