Black Business Month

Category: Business
Black Business Month in USA in 2024
Image by NESA by makers , from Unsplash. CC0

About Black Business Month

How long until Black Business Month?
Black Business Month .
Dates of Black Business Month
2025 USA Friday, August 1stBlack Business Month
2024 USA Thursday, August 1stBlack Business Month
2023 USA Tuesday, August 1stBlack Business Month
2022 USA Monday, August 1stBlack Business Month
2021 USA Sunday, August 1stBlack Business Month
Recognize and support the many local Black-owned businesses and Black-owned businesses across America

Founders John William Templeton and Frederick E. Jordan Sr. started the national holiday back in 2004 “to drive the policy agenda affecting the 2.6 million African American businesses,” according to the official website.

During the 31 days of August, Jordan and Templeton want local government officials, community leaders, and venture capitalists to focus efforts on creating a more hospitable environment in which black-owned businesses can grow. Jordan believes that supporting black business is the best way to lower the high rate of African American unemployment. “Economically, we’re way behind our ethnic counterparts, says Jordan, who sits on the board of California’s small business council and is president and chairman of the San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce. “Most African Americans are still in a dire economic situation.

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