International Widows Day 

Category: Family
International Widows Day   in United Nations in 2025
Image from Pixabay. CC0

About International Widows Day 

How long until International Widows Day  ?
International Widows Day  .
Dates of International Widows Day 
2025 United Nations Monday, June 23rdInternational Widows Day 
2024 United Nations Sunday, June 23rdInternational Widows Day 
2023 United Nations Friday, June 23rdInternational Widows Day 
2022 United Nations Thursday, June 23rdInternational Widows Day 
2021 United Nations Wednesday, June 23rdInternational Widows Day 
While conflicts around the world claim many male lives, we should remember the widows they live behind.

The United Nations observes 23 June as International Widows Day, to draw attention to the voices and experiences of widows and to galvanize the unique support that they need.

The loss of a partner is devastating. For many women around the world, that loss is magnified by a long-term struggle for basic needs, their human rights and dignity. They may be denied inheritance rights to the piece of land that they relied on for livelihood or evicted from their homes, forced into unwanted marriages or traumatizing widowhood rituals. They are stigmatized for life, shunned and shamed. And, many of these abuses go unnoticed, even normalized.

There are an estimated 258 million widows around the world, and nearly one in ten live in extreme poverty. As women, they have specific needs, but their voices and experiences are often absent from policies that impact their survival.

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