Grandma's Day

Category: Family
Grandma's Day in Poland in 2025
Image: Fridge magnets of Poland.

About Grandma's Day

How long until Grandma's Day?
Grandma's Day .
Dates of Grandma's Day
2025 Poland Tuesday, January 21stGrandma's Day
2024 Poland Sunday, January 21stGrandma's Day
2023 Poland Saturday, January 21stGrandma's Day
2022 Poland Friday, January 21stGrandma's Day
2021 Poland Thursday, January 21stGrandma's Day
Find out the history, traditions and dates of Grandma's Day in Poland.

In Poland, Grandma's Day (Polish: Dzień Babci) was created in 1964 by the Kobieta i Życie magazine, and popularised from 1965 onwards.

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