National Wattle Day

Category: Nature
National Wattle Day in Australia in 2024
Image: Wattle flowers spring into bloom in August and September. CC BY-SA 4.0

About National Wattle Day

How long until National Wattle Day?
National Wattle Day .
Dates of National Wattle Day
2025 Australia Monday, September 1stNational Wattle Day
2024 Australia Sunday, September 1stNational Wattle Day
2023 Australia Friday, September 1stNational Wattle Day
2022 Australia Thursday, September 1stNational Wattle Day
2021 Australia Wednesday, September 1stNational Wattle Day
Since 1992 National Wattle Day has been 1 September in all of Australia's States and Territories.

Wattle Day celebrates the golden wattle as Australia’s national floral emblem. The wattle is resilient against Australia's droughts, winds and bushfires and represents the spirit of the Australian people. The golden wattle has more recently been used as a symbol of remembrance and reflection, with a sprig worn on national days of mourning.

For more than a century Australians in different States and the territories celebrated their own Wattle Day on different days In July, August and September whenever the wattles were at their blooming best locally. The first celebration of Wattle Day took place, on 1 September in 1910 in NSW, Victoria and South Australia.

Wattles have long had special meanings for Australians since colonial times when it was used as a symbol to represent the unity between settlers from different countries. In 1988 the Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) was officially declared the national flower by then Prime Minister Bob Hawke, cementing its status as an iconic symbol of Australia.

National landmarks across Australia will light up gold in commemoration of Wattle Day.

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